The brochure describes the excellence work carried out during the four academic years of MOME | Copyright©text, design and photo 2017 MOME

The Government of Hungary awarded the University of National Excellence title to the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design for the period of 2013-2016, ie for four academic years. During this period a total of fifty-five projects and twenty-two project types were awarded subsidies through an internal tender procedure. For a few projects the subsidy was extended for several years. The vast majority of MOME’s teachers actively participated in the excellence work and a significant part of the students also got involved in some form or other. MOME is genuinely proud of the extraordinary results that have been produced during the four years of excellence work. The following chapters and the appendixes will list the professional results, achievements and main indicators of the excellence work, including the activities of the MOME Digital Craft Lab.
