Customizable spatial typography “Add to Cart Jewellery” project
The object of the experiment is a designing application for a personalizable bracelet that generates jewellery from the customer’s name and initials. The jewelry is made with 3D printing and sold online. The text entered is only visible on the object while being designed on the webpage, that is, the jewel hides the nickname intimately in its cross-section, formed from specially designed letters. The particularity of the bracelet is due to the special aesthetics of the directed digital formation. The bracelet can be cast even from precious metals.
Sapi Szilágyi | MOME Design and Art Department
Ákos Lipóczki DLA, associate professors
István Józsa, designer | Péter Váró, designer
year of preparation:
2014 | BA3
material and size:
3D printed plastic (SLS, PLA), silver | 152x120x30mm
Péter Sárközi