Fine Dining Set │ “My Little Beton” project
In this experiment concrete appears as a progressive, contemporary material in the world of gastronomy and serving design. The objects were inspired by the fragmented surfaces in the city. First the negative forms of the serving tools were created, the surface and shape of which went through various destruction procedures. Then we poured pigmented concrete on the rough, coarse, highly fragmented surface. Since acidic food may also get served on these plates and serving dishes, we coated the food-contact surfaces with special impregnating agents or placed glass inserts in them.
Kovács Máté │ MOME Tárgyalkotó Tanszék
Máté Kovács │ MOME Design and Art Department
Ákos Lipóczki DLA, associate professor |MOME Design and Art Department
year of manufacture:
2015 | BA2
material and size:
concrete, pigment, glass │ 350x350x180mm
VPI Concrete Manufactory
Máté Kovács